Sunday 16 March 2014

summary of term 1

Long time no blog again? xD I was really busy haha. so yay yesterday (technically two days ago but who cares) was the last day of term 1. :D Not sure whether to be happy or sad though. Holidays = more homework? accurately true. A two-week holiday would be perfect but then again, I guess that would just mean more homework. Especially with teachers like Mr Ong. xD

So this term was quite fun since there wasn't any common test and it's not very stressed. But all the stress is gonna come next term ugh. I shall like talk about term 1 starting from week 1 hehe and include some pictures if I have them ._.

week 1 - 6 january to 10 january: 

Nothing much happened this week ._. First day of school was pretty fun though bc only one lesson :D and it was chinese ;)

Went to nex with Hongyi on Tuesday haha to grab lunch at Pastamania xD and Tuesday was Dionne's birthday too heh. didn't celebrate / buy her anything though bc we didn't exactly have time to go out :/

Made pancakes for lsp lesson but sad i didn't take pic :( oh anddd for like 80% of the week i had froyo in school because there was a temporary froyo booth!! :D It was like heaven omggg i miss it. Here's the pic of the froyo yay creds to hong's insta :D :


yay. let's move on to week 2 :D

week 2 - 13 january to 17 january:

Can't really remember anything from this week. Went to nex (yeah again) with Hongyi and Rachel on Tuesday for pepper lunch. :D

Made nestum choco chip and cashew nut cookies for lsp this week!! :) without isa though bc she was absent :( It was deliciousss like seriously. but didn't take pic again T^T had no timeee :(

Received gifts and notes from Shiyin, Chengkai, Ruth, Sheares, Hong and Renee for my birthday!! <3 yay for the gifts and notes.


from my own insta xD um i don't think anything else happened this week... so yeah week 3.

week 3 - 20 january - 24 january:

Don't think i went out this week? shepherd's pie for lsp lesson hehehe :D finally had a pic!! HAHA XD

Shepherd's Pie

Went to shop for cny clothes during the weekends at bugis street :) once blogged about that but deleted the post haha. Bought a navy blue & red checkered dress, paddlepop pullover, light pink skort, hot pink studded bag and black studded shoes. and also a lavender geek tee and two chrome hearts tees which are navy blue and maroon. :D

photo (6)

had a super funny lohei with my family too LOL had a post about this too but also deleted xD

photo (7)

photo (8)

let's go to week 4 :D

week 4 - 27 january to 31 january:

YAY cny is on this week :D still remember my class was chionging the cny decorations like shit on wednesday xD

On Thursday we had school till 10.15am and yay time to go home for reunion lunch / dinner :D ((and we were supposed to make lor mai kai (glutinous rice with chicken and mushroom) on thursday but we missed it bc of cny eve :( fortunately we made it in week 10 :D))

Went to have reunion lunch with my mum's side at my maternal grandmother's house :D didn't take pic though but it was steamboat (so mainstream) :D and the lohei was so funny i can't even xD

Then had dinner with dad's side at my paternal great grandparents' house :) which is just 3 storeys above my house LOL. We usually have it at my house but we changed this year to make it more convenient for my great grandparents :) We had lohei again and played blackjack hahah xD so here's the pic of the homecooked dinner :) Simple but tasty <3


After dinner we went down to my house and watched the countdown show on ch8 LOL. This year's cny eve was sorta different from other years as we didn't play mahjong and didn't really play blackjack a lot too. thennn i slept at like 1+ T^T like unknowingly bc no one accompanied me to stay up to 守岁 :(

The next day was 初一 (duh?) and i went up to my great grandparents' house again hahah for visiting and then went to my maternal grandparents' house, my mum's aunt's house and my mum's uncle house for visiting. :D then of course we gambled haha. but i didn't go visiting at my dad's aunt's house, my dad's uncle's house and my aunt's house this year. :/

For 初二 i went to my dad's (other) aunt's house and my mum's (other) aunt's house for visiting. Had fun gambling and lohei-ing xD So here's my ugly ootd for both days ._.


Then on the next two days i went to my aunt's house at night. :D guess why? bc gambling xD We played blackjack and in between in her garden late at night omg it was like so peaceful so serene so quiet and so calming. Gardens are fab. and with nice music in the background it's perf. so yeah here's a pic. just so if you haven't seen it on my insta xD


week 5 - 3 february to 7 february:

Um so i don't really wanna talk a lot about this week bc something really unpleasant happened in my family so yup.

But yeah school celebrated cny on tuesday (super late) and 2H won first for cny class deco!! <3 hemethyst ftw :D

Went to nex with Rachel, Sheares, Ruth, Hongyi, Chengkai and Derrel. Meant to be a clique outing but ended up as a failed / ruined one.

And made pineapple tarts :D which was super nice. here's a pic :D

Pineapple Tart

week 6 - 10 february to 14 february:

Made chicken stew for lsp this week but sadly no pic :(

Yay for valentine's day! <3 or rather friendship day. The y2 class chairpersons and vice chairpersons came up with an initiative to write a friendship day card to other classes and guess what our class got 2A (aldraxen) :D hehe. so here's the (super nice LOL) cards we wrote individually to them haha :D

Hemethyst Aldraxen

And some hemethystians (girls haha) came to school with a side braid on friday :) me Ruth Shiyin Yufu Isabella and Sheares hehe <3 a pic of us :D and the friendship day merchandise <3

Friendship Day

week 7 - 17 february to 21 february:

Made chicken burger this week for lsp!! <3 it was nice hehe :)

Chicken Burger

week 8 - 24 february to 28 february:

So i missed two days of school this week bc i was sick from tuesday night to thursday :( missed lsp too!! T^T was supposed to make wanton soup haish.

And when i was absent Ruth and Hongyi volunteered me to help for the y2 level briefing for parents ._. here's a super unglam pic of the 2H ushers ;) without yufu and ck though :( Had sooo much fun that day haha playing i have never :P creds to isa's insta :)

Y2 Briefing

And the milk (gross HL milk :( which nearly made me puke) with crushed oreos before the briefing!! <3 creds to ash's insta :)

Oreo Milk

week 9 - 3 march to 7 march:

Cooked fried instant noodles for lsp! it was deliciousss.

photo3 photo4

and took (half) class photo with Ms Toh and Mdm Chang during lsp <3

IMG_5555 IMG_5559

Went to victoria school on wednesday to catch the c div boys 3rd & 4th placing match between our school and anglican high :) and saw Bryan play hahah xD even though we lost to anglican high this year and got 4th it's okay at least the boys put in their best efforts even if some of them were injured :D It's the effort and spirit that matters most, not the outcome :) i feel so deep LOL.

And then class comm training camp!! with Bryan Ck Derrel Dexter Eefong and Shiyin :) probably the best camp i ever had. was so fun (and funny) other than the bathing part xD Learnt many new things from this camp :) haha did the class action plan too, hope we can stick to it!! :D and the yixian pangseh part was so epic LOL. Felt that the class comm had bonded a lot more through this camp :)

Discussed about new class tee & march class outing with class and also felt that the class became more bonded compared to last year :D sadly didn't take any pics bc our phones were safe-kept by the teachers. :(

Went to have lunch at kfc with Ck only after the camp bc all other class comm members pangseh :(

Anyway this is yixian's and the class which he pangseh-ed was our class -inserts laugh till cry emoji- omg soo funny gosh xD


week 10 - 10 march to 14 march:

Last week of term 1 :) Derrel's birthday hahaha got him retarded gifts ._. Went to nex with Rachel on tuesday to shop for the gifts and we took sooo long .-. and had subway for lunch LOL. if you were wondering what's inside it's actually cold cut trio and double chocolate chip cookie :)


So many things happened this week haha. After geography fieldwork briefing on wednesday, went out with Yufu Ck and Derrel to kallang leisure park to celebrate Derrel's birthday :D ate lunch at koufu and had dessert at yoguru :D the green tea one tastes like playdoh ._. and the sjora one is sooo nice. too bad only Ck bought it.


Made lor mai kai for lsp! <3 it tastes heavenly omg.


Did this after school on thursday for the athletics meet on 27 march :D hehe together with Shiyin, Hongyi, Ash, Sera and Sheares :) mainly Sheares only though HAHA.

photo9 photo10

Finallyyyy last day of term 1! :) chocolates from Ash, Sera, Ms Chong and Ms Mok :)

photo11 (should be landscape but who cares ._.)

And a card from Ms Mok to our class <3 her handwriting is so nice gosh.


And our last chemistry practical :( chem practicals are like the funnest shit ever.



And last but not least our class photo with Ms Mok!! <3 hehe she's so cute pretty funny and the list goes on (and on). :D Anyway look at xianlu's change in position between the two photos xD

photo15 photo16

So yay that's the end of term 1. Hope that the new class tee will be out soon and hope to have a fun and successful class outing next friday at vivo city and siloso beach!! <3

And finally gonna watch frozen on wednesday / thursday at vivo city / plaza singapura. hehe.

And let me start holiday homework tomorrow ._. Like there's so many i don't think i can even enjoy this holidays and have a good rest ._.

Anddddd yay you've survived this longgg post and you're awesome if you read from the start to the end of this post like this is soooo asdfghjkl long omg but i bet no one will so yup. Byeee good night (or morning). xD
