Monday 19 May 2014


Hey guysss so yup i'm back to blogging after 2 months or so ;_; haha and i'm currently considering whether i should revamp my blog or not xD idek why, just had the idea to. (and yes i deleted one post again HAHA)

So CTs are over and pretty much all the results are back. no matter whether you did well or not, it's already over so no point dwelling on it. If you did well, good for you and keep it up (and don't, DON'T rub it in other people's face). If you didn't, jiayou for CT2 and don't feel disheartened! :)

Okay moving on to the main point of this post - priorities. Well, all of us definitely have our personal priorities in our life, and of course, all of us have different priorities in life. Some place their priority on academics and some on friends.

So there's many types of priority, and other than placing priority on something / someone generally, we also place more specific priority on something / someone within a group of things / people.

For example, you may prioritize your friends more than your academics, but within your friends, you would also prioritize Friend A more than Friend B - a common case scenario.

But really, does people's priorities sometimes really make sense?


and here you go - my answer to my own question :)

To illustrate my point that occasionally people's priorities aren't really logical, I've a friend whom i shan't name so we shall just call her Friend A. She knows she's weak in let's say geography, but she doesn't make any effort / make little effort to improve on the subject. Instead, she wastes all her time and money on other stuffs like DIY stuff and art materials? (some details are tweaked aha)

Like oh gosh seriously? It's y2 hello, it's streaming year. Sure, you can spend some time on your hobbies but don't you think you're going too far like you don't even spend a lot of time to improve your geography when you know it's not up to standard?? That doesn't really make sense to me.


But then again, everyone has different mindsets and everyone has different ways of setting priorities.

Personally, i believe in "work hard, play hard" so even though i spend a lot of time on fun and games, i know when to get serious and start studying for tests / exams. So you can say that to me, fun and academics are equally prioritized?

I don't know how Friend A sets her priorities either but i'm a very practical person when it comes to this, that's probably why i prioritize grades quite a fair bit. Also, my family has rather high expectations so idrw to let them down, therefore i place my priority on grades.

The above is just my opinions, so please respect it haha and don't get offended? i'm just voicing out my thoughts yeah. :) and it's just an example based on real life, it's not really a true story so yup, but some of you should be able to guess who she is xD

On to my next point - priority within friends. idk about you guys but to me, among all my close friends, no matter in class / primary sch / cca (doesn't apply for me but wtv ok), i place most priority on my close friends in class - meaning my clique and some other rly close people.

If you're wondering why i prioritize them more, it's cuz they were the ones who were always there for me at my toughest, and they were also the ones with me at my best. We've gone through a lot together - we cried together, we laughed together and most importantly we had fun together.

I'm sure most of you who have cliques will feel this way too, unless your clique is rly screwed up i'm sorry. But some people who have cliques (which aren't screwed) just don't feel this way, i really don't understand these people, tbh.

Like omgg, those people place priority on their other groups of friends eg cca instead of their clique - who have been through thick and thin with them??? Sorry but i don't get this logic. Hello, your clique (once again) are the people who were forever there for you, who went through ups and downs with you. After all they did for you, they aren't prioritized at all!?! Sure there may be conflicts and hatred within your clique but you can't deny that.

Although there's many conflicts within my clique - I can't deny that, i still love them from the bottom of my heart and they're really important to me. Ofc, the other people outside of my clique who i'm rly close to are also mean a lot to me. So yeah i'm rly thankful to have them in my life.

So again to setting priorities. idk how you guys set yours evidently. Some of you place priorities within your friends based on closeness, helpfulness, niceness, trustworthiness, number of conflicts, even popularity and many other factors. When it comes to going out with friends, we again have a totally different set of factors for placing priority.

Some people place priority on who to go out with based on who asked earlier. For example,

- 2 months ago -
A: hey! wanna go out on 30 may?
You: okay!

- present -
B: hi, wanna go out on 30 may?
You: sorry B, i'm already going out with A. how about next time?

Yeah. That's probably the 'right' thing to do, bc you don't wanna seem like a person who breaks promises to A and well bc you already had a date with A which was agreed on long ago?

But hey, plot twist. What if A was just a quite close friend and B was a rly rly rly vvvv close friend? How would B feel if you set priorities like that. Upset right?

Well have you ever thought of it this way, maybe B wanted to surprise you or do something rly nice for you but then you just happily go tell B that you're going out with someone else. Yes you may not know that B was planning something rly nice but does it hurt to ask B what you're going to do with him/her?? You know the answer and it's a no. By asking such a simple question, you can easily save B from feeling hurt. And if you still continue your 'right thing to do' and choose to go out with A instead of B then well i'm speechless LOL and i have nothing to say other than you're screwed up in the brain. :)

Yes it may be the right thing to do but people ought to be more sensitive to others' feelings right? Just another opinion of mine.


if i was B i'd totally feel this way ^

As i mentioned above, i put my clique and some other close friends as first priority, so even if i already have a date with someone else, i'm sorry to the someone else but i'd go with my clique / close friends if my clique (or anyone in the clique) / close friends asked me bc they're just sooo important to me. :) Oh wells, unless the someone else is my family. xD

Then the worst thing is when you keep tryna apologise to B?? And say sorry oh gosh. If you happened to have read the blog post which i deleted, you'd be familiar with this q. Does saying sorry rly help??? NO. It's like omg just stfu will you, if you knew that B wld be disappointed why did you even do it in the first place?? Ugh. So srsly stop saying sorry if you're rly sorry then go with B??? And like gosh, the damage is already done so just go and enjoy your date with A okay?? oh em gee. And if you ask if B is okay or not ofc B will say he/she is?? You don't expect B to just tell you that he/she aren't okay right. Well, YOU just freaking hurt B so why wld he/she tell YOU how he/she feels LOL pls think properly.


Okayy i guess i'm finally done ranting xD yeah so these are my thoughts and opinions on priorities. I may sound super bitchy but if you don't like it why did you even read till here haha you could've exited my blog just now xD And yup if you hate me you shouldn't even be here in the first place.

Hmm nothing else to say so yeah bye guyssssss gonna sleep now :3 the next post will prolly be 2 months ltr but hopefully earlier HAHA xD byeeeee :D


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